Animals that start with Q

On this page you’ll discover a rundown of astounding creatures starting with ‘q’, along with facts and realities about every creature. Underneath a significant number of the creatures are joins that you can follow for additional data, pictures and recordings.

Mentioned in this list are singular species (for example quokka) and notable gatherings of species (for example quolls) whose names start with Q. The logical name and preservation status are accommodated every one of the individual animal types.

List Of Creatures That Name Starts With The Letter ‘Q’

Animals That Start With Q

Find out the list of creatures starting with the letter ‘Q’.


Scientific Name: Equus quagga

Conservation Status: Extinct

The quagga is an extinct subspecies of fields zebra. (An animal variety is part into subspecies when it has at least two separate populaces, and there are contrasts between individuals from every populace.)

The quagga just had stripes on the front portion of its body. Its back was earthy colored and its legs and undersides were pale. It was found in South Africa. The quagga was affirmed as being wiped out in 1900. The species’ eradication was brought due to overhunting.


Quail are little and moderate sized gamebirds. There are two sorts of quail: Old World quail, local to the landmasses of Europe, Asia and Africa; and New World quail, local to the mainlands of North and South America.

Old and New World quail are simply indirectly identified with each other. Quail burn through a large portion of their lives on the ground, and tend just to fly for brief distances. A few types of quail have been tamed, and are reared for food. Quail eggs are viewed as a delicacy in numerous nations.

Quechuan Hocicudo

Scientific Name: Oxymycterus hucucha

Conservation Status: Endangered

The Quechuan Hocicudo is a rodent like rat that lives in the Andean cloud woods of Bolivia. Little is thought about this species. It is primarily insectivorous (bug eating), and presumably utilizes its long paws for exhuming spineless creatures from the earth. The species is imperilled because of deforestation

Queen Alexandra’s Birdwing Butterfly

Scientific Name: Ornithoptera alexandrae

Conservation Status: Endangered

The Queen Alexandra’s birdwing butterfly is the world’s biggest butterfly. The wingspan of the female can arrive at 25 cm (9.84 in.) and people can weigh as much as 12 grams (0.42 oz.). Females are earthy colored and white, while the guys, which are more modest, are brilliant green and dark.

The Queen Alexandra’s birdwing is found in a little locale of Papua New Guinea. The species’ imperilled status is because of natural surroundings misfortune. The rainforest wherein it lives is being obliterated to clear a path for palm oil estates. The ejection of Mount Lamington (a close by fountain of liquid magma) additionally annihilated a large part of the bug’s regular living habitat.

Queen of Sheba’s Gazelle

Scientific Name: Gazella bilkis

Conservation Status: Extinct

The Queen of Sheba’s Gazelle is a terminated type of pronghorn. It was found on slopes and piles of Yemen. It was a typical animal category during the 20th century. The reason for its eradication is indistinct, however it is known to have been pursued by the military for food.

Little is thought about the Queen of Sheba’s Gazelle. It may not have been an unmistakable animal types; a few examinations have demonstrated it to be a subspecies of mountain gazelle.

Queen Snake

Scientific Name: Regina septemvittata

Conservation Status: Least Concern

The Queen snake is a nonvenomous snake found in North America. The species is semiaquatic and lives close to waterways and streams. It is an individual from the family Colubridae (the biggest snake family).

The Queen snake’s back is dim green in shading. Its paunch and sides are cream with dull stripes. The snake is around 15 to 42 in (38 to 61 cm) long.

Queensland Grouper

Scientific Name: Epinephelus lanceolatus

Conservation Status: Vulnerable

The Queensland grouper, also called the goliath grouper, is a fish found in the tropical waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

It is the biggest hard fish found on coral reefs. (Hard fish will be fish whose skeletons are made of genuine bone, not at all like fish like sharks, whose skeletons are made of a milder material called ligament.)

Queensland Lungfish

Scientific Name: Neoceratodus forsteri

Conservation Status: Unassessed

The Queensland lungfish is one of just six lungfish species. Lungfish are fish that can inhale air, as opposed to getting oxygen from the water by means of gills. In contrast to other lungfish, the Queensland lungfish is additionally ready to utilize its gills, and has one lung, instead of two.

The Queensland lungfish is found in still or moderate streaming waterways in northern Queensland, Australia.

Queensland Ringtail Possum

Scientific Name: Pseudocheirus peregrinus

Conservation Status: Least Concern

The Queensland ringtail is all the more generally known as the basic ringtail possum. It is a marsupial (pouched vertebrate) discovered distinctly in Australia. The regular ringtail possum is around the size of a feline, and has dim hide with white undersides. Its tail is prehensile (ready to grasp) and is utilized when climbing.

The species has adjusted to the presence of people, and is frequently found in gardens.

Queensland Tube-Nosed Fruit Bat

Scientific Name: Nyctimene robinsoni

Conservation Status: Least Concern

The Queensland tube-nosed natural product bat is otherwise called the eastern cylinder nosed bat. It is found in north-east Australia and potentially on adjoining islands, including New Guinea.

The species is earthy-colored and has pale spots on its wings. It has projecting, tube-formed nostrils, from which the species gets its name.

Quelea (Red Billed)

Scientific Name: quelea

Conservation Status: Least Concern

The red-charged quelea is a little bird found in numerous nations in sub-Saharan Africa (for example the territory south of the Sahara Desert). It has pale earthy colored wings, cream chest and a strong red bill. Guys have dark appearances and orange heads.

The red-charged quelea is the world’s most normal non-homegrown bird species. It is felt that the species’ populace numbers around 1.5 billion people. The bird structures colossal herds, which wander the land looking for food.

The red-charged quelea benefits from seeds, and can make impressive harm crops. Thus, the species is regularly controlled utilizing harms and different strategies.

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